
At Kuda Wealth we have developed relationships with professionals in their respective field of expertise. This comes as an advantage to our clients who benefit from the knowledge these individuals can contribute to their financial success.

How can we help you

Kuda Wealth – Life Events Tool


Superannuation is a tax-effective vehicle to build adequate resources to meet your desired lifestyle in retirement. Kuda Wealth will work with you to determine your ultimate retirement goals, assess your contribution capacity, make recommendations for maximising your investment growth based on your investor risk tolerance and help you steer the ship toward your ideal retirement destination.

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Superannuation is designed to supplement the Australian social security system and ensure that you have an adequate source of income during retirement. Superannuation comes in many forms; industry funds, retail funds, wholesale funds or self-managed super funds, to name a few.

Click here to speak to our team about your future lifestyle and retirement goals.


Our investment universe is diverse and under continued research to ensure we maximise progress toward your goals whilst taking appropriate measures towards managing downside risk.

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For many clients, the investment timeframe associated with accessing superannuation may be too restrictive and you may be reluctant to lock away savings you’d prefer to use prior to preservation age.

Kuda Wealth takes the time to understand our client’s investment goals, desired timeframes and attitude towards investment risk in order to build a comprehensive investment strategy, taking into account tax implications, diversification, liquidity, fees and risk management to determine a range of solutions designed to achieve the best outcome.

Market volatility is inevitable when investing in growth assets and close monitoring of the markets is an integral element of a successful portfolio. At Kuda Wealth, we understand the challenge this presents for most investors and we accept this responsibility on your behalf, ensuring we uncover new opportunities and investment headwinds, recommending any changes necessary to steer you through market volatility.

Our strategies centre on liquidity, transparency and diversification. We believe in holding quality assets and not over-reacting to short-term market fluctuations; instead we apply only carefully considered changes to ensure you remain on track to meet your financial goals.

Click here to speak to the team about your wealth creation goals.


We know our lives and the lives of our loved ones can be dramatically changed through unexpected illness, injury or premature death.

Insurance is about creating the right amount of money for the right person at the right time.

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Such unforeseen tragedies can leave you and your family facing tremendous emotional stress and grief. Insurance can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that during these difficult times your financial needs will be taken care of, allowing you to focus on healing, recovery and rebuilding your lives.

We can assist you with a wide range of personal insurance options such as:

  • Life Cover / Terminal Illness
  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Trauma / Critical Illness
  • Income Protection / Business Expenses Insurance
  • Business protection and key person Insurance

Insurance is about creating the right amount of money for the right person at the right time. Therefore, at Kuda Wealth we determine if, when and how much insurance is necessary, researching the available insurance options to determine appropriate solutions to mitigate your risk and ultimately ensuring you get the best value for money. We manage both the application and claim processes from start to finish.

(Credit: Australian Tax Office:

Click here to take necessary steps to protect you and your family.

Retirement Planning

Whilst the transition from the workforce to retirement can be a rewarding stage in our lives, for many the change is overwhelming.

We structure your financial affairs so that the challenge of retirement becomes an opportunity.

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At Kuda Wealth, we work closely with our clients to help them prepare for the both the emotional and financial challenges they’re facing and provide strategies to cope during this period.

We structure your financial affairs so that the challenge of retirement becomes an opportunity; the opportunity to pursue your dreams, to chase adventures and to enjoy more time with family and friends whilst feeling secure in the knowledge that your cash flow is sufficient to meet your lifestyle needs. We call this “Currency for Life”.

Kuda Wealth use comprehensive financial modelling specific to your circumstances. We factor in variables such as your age, income, investment and lifestyle assets, when you plan to retire, attitude toward investment risk, life expectancy, interest rates, Centrelink rules and other legislative and tax concerns.

Kuda Wealth can provide specialist retirement planning in the following areas:

  • Wealth mapping and preservation of your retirement savings through effective portfolio management;
  • Business succession planning for self-employed individuals;
  • Trajectory forecasting to determine your expected retirement income;
  • Making the most of your superannuation, investments and savings in preparation for retirement;
  • Maximising social security and Government assisted entitlements in retirement;
  • Ensuring that your investments are structured for maximum tax effectiveness.

Remember, it is never too early or too late to commence the plans for a prosperous retirement!

Click here to speak to us about your retirement planning.

Centrelink & Social Security

Australia has one of the best social security systems in the world. Therefore, when planning for your financial future, it is important to consider whether you qualify for Government benefit entitlements available to individuals and families

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Such as:

  • Age Pension
  • Mature Age Allowance
  • Family Tax Benefit
  • Parenting Payment
  • Disability Support Pension

In addition to the above benefits, retirees may also be eligible for:

  • Health Care Card
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card
  • Pension Concession Card
  • Pharmaceutical Allowance

The eligibility criteria can be rather complex and is subject to change. Remaining abreast of the legislative intricacies is crucial to maximise your entitlements from a system you’ve contributed to throughout your working life. At Kuda Wealth, we remain up to date with all matters relating to Centrelink and social security, acting as authorised nominees for our clients which enables us to liaise with Centrelink on their behalf and ensures they’re not waiting on hold for hours at a time!

We can help structure your assets (including property, investments, superannuation and cash savings) to increase your likelihood of qualifying for Government benefits. In addition, we regularly review the income and asset details recorded with Centrelink, providing updated information where necessary, ensuring your details remain accurate and that your assets continue to be structured appropriately to accommodate any applicable legislative changes.

Click here to speak to us about maximising your entitlements

Estate Planning

They say that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes.

You’ve worked hard to accumulate the assets that form part of your estate and grow your wealth tax-effectively; the last thing you want is for these assets to transfer upon your death with unnecessary tax consequences.

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At Kuda Wealth, we take the steps necessary to reduce the impact of both occurring at the same time. 

Everyone should have a Will, regardless of age, marital status, wealth position or complexity of personal circumstances. This is a critical step in the planning for intergenerational wealth transfer or ensuring monies are distributed to the charities and causes that you are passionate about.

Today’s assets become the foundation of your family’s future and the plans you make will have a significant impact on how much of your wealth and assets are transferred in accordance with your wishes.

At Kuda Wealth we ensure a smooth and tax-effective transfer of assets by establishing the right structure. The areas of estate planning that we can assist with are:

  • Wills;
  • Superannuation and Pension Testamentary Directives;
  • Unpacking the various business entities and estate planning consequences associated with trusts, companies or business partnerships;
  • Testamentary Trusts, Special Disability Trusts and Special Purpose Trusts
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney/Guardianships/Medical Directives;
  • Business and Family Succession Planning and Estate Equalisation.

We can help you understand how each aspect works and which options are applicable for your situation.

You spend a lifetime building your wealth; it is equally important to ensure that it is distributed appropriately upon your death.

>> Click here to commence your Estate Planning Questionnaire.


Whilst owning and running a SMSF can be beneficial, it comes with a level of complexity which can be challenging for individuals to manage themselves.

Kuda Wealth can assist with the establishment, ongoing portfolio management and trustee responsibilities associated with maintaining an SMSF.

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We will put in place the most appropriate strategy to suit your specific needs, objectives and goals whilst handling the trustee education, legislative, technical and compliance matters, so that you can relax knowing you have met your obligations.

(Credit: Australian Tax Office:

Kuda Wealth offer the following SMSF advice and services for both existing and prospective clients:

  • Establishing a new SMSF or taking on an existing SMSF;
  • Trust Deeds – creation, updates and review of existing documents;
  • Trustee structures – Corporate versus Individual;
  • Development and ongoing management of your investment strategy;
  • Investment portfolio construction and ongoing asset management;
  • Contribution strategies;
  • Pension strategies;
  • Portfolio administration;
  • Insurance.

Kuda Wealth is here to ensure your SMSF provides you the benefits of flexibility and additional control of your finances without the worry, stress and time constraints of personal hands on management.

Click here to arrange a meeting with our SMSF specialist adviser.

SMSF Administration Services

Owning, running and managing a SMSF provides tremendous flexibility, control and estate planning benefits for the members. However, with these benefits come the responsibility of your administrative obligations, from the establishment process to the wind-up process and everything in-between.

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These administration burdens are significantly higher than those associated with non-SMSF superannuation options. At Kuda Wealth, we assist our clients with the establishment and ongoing management of their funds, thereby reducing the day to day responsibilities placed upon trustees.

Not only does Kuda Wealth handle all with legislative and compliance matters, we also remove the burden of paperwork, allowing you to focus on the important job of preparing for your retirement.

We can assist you with your administrative requirements at the following competitive rates:-

  • Set Up $1,100 inc GST
    We organise the set up/establishment of an SMSF including the trust deed, corporate trustee, rollovers and Government registrations. 
  • Update SMSF Trust Deed $330 inc GST
  • Change of SMSF Trustee $440 inc GST

SMSF Accounting and Auditing

We are happy to work with your existing accounting relationships and look forward to the prospect of meeting new professional service firms.

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If you do not currently have a dedicated accounting relationship, we are more than happy to introduce you to our preferred partners.

Click here to review our preferred business partners.

Business Succession Planning

It is very easy to overlook financial considerations when running a business. Regardless of whether you are involved in a business as a sole trader or via a partnership, company or trust, every business owner will eventually exit their business.

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For some this is through a methodical hand over or a retirement plan; for others it could be through unforeseen circumstances such as premature death or disability.

Most business owners are aware that they must address these issues, however statistics indicate that very few do. This oversight is rarely intentional; it is usually the result of not knowing how to begin or simply being preoccupied with the day-to-day responsibilities of running a business.

At Kuda Wealth we take the time to understand your business, what is important to you and others associated with ensuring the continued success of your business, your competitors, your life goals and what you would like to happen to your business in the event of your retirement or unexpected departure through death or illness.

Where appropriate, we can assist you with the following strategies to help you prepare for these eventualities:

  • Business loan protection and business succession insurance solutions;
  • Business retirement planning strategies (trade sale, retain, partial wind-down, liquidation);
  • Key Person revenue protection for both owners and key staff;
  • Buy- Sell agreements for multiple business owners.

Remember, it is much easier to plan your exit ahead of time, rather than dealing with the situation after the fact!

Click here to speak to our business succession specialist


Budgeting & Cash Flow Management

Have you ever wondered where all your money goes? If the answer is yes, then perhaps you need to consider advice on cash flow management.

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Effective cash flow management and budgeting is essential to any financial plan, whether your focus is on building wealth or planning for retirement.

The team at Kuda Wealth are skilled in cash flow management to ensure you stay on track to achieve your financial goals. With the backing of our solid research and expertise, we can help you harness the potential of your income and investments, effectively handle your personal debts and advise on the important financial decisions through all life stages.

Budgeting and cash flow management can assist with life events such as:

  • Securing your first job and career planning
  • Buying your first home
  • Merging finances
  • Becoming a parent
  • Changing jobs or career focus
  • Looking after ageing or sick relatives
  • Sound Estate Planning
  • Inheriting or acquiring new wealth
  • Retirement planning

Click here to speak to us about managing your cash flow

Debt Management

Debt plays an integral role in helping many Australians grow their wealth.

However, balancing the desire to increase our wealth with our debt reduction goals and obligations can be a challenging task.

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Many of our clients have benefited from the responsible use of debt solutions to secure a home, buy an investment property, car, boat or advance the growth in their investment portfolios. 

Kuda Wealth can help clients assess and review both their current and proposed debt position. We can advise you on how to best direct your surplus income, which loan to pay down first and whether you should consider refinancing and/or consolidating your existing loans. We work with a great team of preferred mortgage specialists to provide collaborative approach when assisting you with the management of your debt

Click here to speak to us about your debt management needs

Aged Care

The path to aged care is not straight forward. Making the best choice is often a complex process and it can be difficult to understand how the various available options may affect you or your loved ones.

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Kuda Wealth offer services that can assist in the decision-making regarding aged care. We understand that everyone’s circumstances are difference and we deal with partners of clients requiring aged care, children of parents requiring aged care or people currently in aged care. Determining the areas in which you require assistance can be just as important as the final decisions you make.

Many people make uninformed decisions about aged care because they have not had the opportunity to understand their options. In many instances the need for aged care can be urgent and situational (due to injury or other health-related incident), and knowing you have specialists to assist during this stressful period can provide you with peace of mind.

Click here to speak to our team about your options

Ongoing Service

All the services listed above relate to different aspects of financial planning and not all clients will need all of these specific areas addressed.

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However, the single biggest service we provide consistently for our clients at Kuda Wealth, is ongoing advice and service. The number one value add we provide is ensuring your plans remain current, up to date and reflect your continually evolving personal circumstances and any legislative changes.


> Update Kuda Wealth with changes to your circumstances